The Ego Wall is the total sum of human identity.
- Identity: The personality that was shaped from our Memories, Experience, relationships, and values and everything that we identity with, mostly the tools and illusions of our sense of self.
- Political personality, opinions, moral attitude, and personality relating to our religion and beliefs systems. the family or community or societal rules that govern our choices.
- Our Ethnicity or tribal affiliations and Cultural Values that stem from our tribal or society and social economic class and statues, even race. language, foods, art, education, perception of self.
- Family rituals, community rituals and social rituals, family circles, community circle and social circle
It is called an Ego because it is an emanation of the human being’s mind. It is called a Wall because it is created out of the human need for an insulator. It is the human sense of belonging; it is the human contribution to our existence in the Universe. It is called Culture by all humanity and in the Organic Afrikan Paradigm it is called an Ego Wall. (The Ego representing how humanity perceives itself and expresses itself, how humanity recognizes itself and distinguish itself.) The question for the Organic Afrikan Paradigm is not about the morality (Negative or Positive) of an Ego Wall. The question is, is the Ego Wall performing its original function for the Afrikan people, it the Afrikan Ego wall Efficient and Effective to fulfill its intended purpose, (humanity needing to survive obstacles, humanity needing to survive nature, humanity needing to use their intelligence and creativity to better survive or is the Afrikan Ego wall ineffective and Inefficient and must be rebuilt a new to serve the Afrikan purpose of surviving the obstacles, surviving nature and the need of the intelligence and creativity?
Has the Afrikan Cultural Ego Wall become inefficient and ineffective in its original purpose to ensure the Afrikan survival against all obstacles, to push the Afrikan intelligence and creativity beyond its current limitations?
How can the Afrikan Cultural Ego Wall be made into an Efficient and Effective Ego Wall again?