Mindflow is the Afrikan Methodology of Perception.
It consist of 5 action steps and one outcome step.
1)Read (Action)
2)Reflect (Action)
3)Refine (Action)
4)Rapport (Action)
5)Reciprocity (Action)
6) Revolution (Reaction)
The Afrikan must understand the Mindflow Methodology of Perception Development. The aim is the continous act of perceiving, improvement of perceiving. The Mind which is the realm many vital to life aspect of the cognitive forces (Set means it is fixed, unmoving, stationary) although the mind being set allows for the mind to gain limitations. The mind flowing foward continously and smoothly by the principles of reading, reflecting, refining, rapport, reciprocity to attain a Revolution is no different from the planets, stars, moons and all of Nature which actions in cyclical, spiral or rhythmic motions. That is the Natural order and to be parallel to the natural order the Afrikan must perceive the natural order. Thus a methodology of perception or observation, grasping and Imitation by application is required by Afrikans.
Organic Afrikan Paradigm teachings gives the Afrikans the Mindflow, the mind in a flowing motion like water performing and enhancing the sensory calculations using the formula and equation (Read, Reflect, Refine, Rapport and Reciprocity to complete a Revolution.